Sunday, December 21, 2008


Michael and I went to an exhibit yesterday. It was both amusing and disturbing. The exhibit is called Postsecret. The exhibit is made of postcards on which people write their secrets. Some secrets were funny. Some you smiled at and find yourself nodding your head. Some were sad and tragic. Awful things have happened to people and they felt they couldn't share their secrets in any other way. I walked out feeling a little unsettled. You can visit the web site for POSTSECRET at . The day here in NWA was gray, cloudy, and very cold, but Michael and I did a little shopping and spent time visiting with each other. It was fun!!! A date before Christmas with my boyfriend was the perfect way to pass the time.


Kat Mangione said...


I found the PostSecret blog some time ago and was strangely fascinated. I haven't had emotional stamina to return. I think they even have books.

I am glad you had a marvelous date with your good looking Boy Friend. (I know he's good looking because he looks like me!) ;-)

See you in a week! -K

Brenda Taylor said...

Crytal Bridges on the Massey is very close to our house, and I often ride my bike there. A friend and I have been following PostSecrets since its inception. She flew in from Seattle last week and we toured the exhibit together. I want say which one, but one of our secrets was on exhibit.
We'll likely see you at Kirsten's viewing. Much Love, Brenda