The experts predicted only a 30% chance of snow for the last day in February. The snow started around 2 in the morning and was like fairy snow, small flakes that seemed to dance in the air. There was a short respite as the sun came up but the snow persisted as the day wore on.
At our last event at the Walton Arts Center, Michael picked up tickets to see the Naval Sea Chanters. The Chanters are the chorus of the US Navy's Band. Composed of 8 men and 8 women, they gave a stirring performance. The afternoon's offerings ranged from Shenandoah to a tribute to all the branched of the Armed Forces to a medley of 1960's top forty hits. Everyone stood and cheered and sang along under their breath. What an afternoon.
The show finished and we walked outside to snow. Larger flakes now that seemed determined to cover the roads and ground. We slid a little on the way home with our 30% chance of snow.
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