Sunday, January 11, 2009

Most Secret Order of the Y Chromosome

Shores Lake lies in the valley below White Rock Mountain. The dam pictured here was created by the hands of CCC in the late 1930's. Working with primarily hand tools, this dam was laid by hand, stacking rock some 50 or 60 feet tall and impounding what is presently Shores lake.

The White Rock trip has become an annual adventure for the members of the Most Secret Order of the Y Chromosome. Founded officially in the lodge atop White Rock Mountain on January 7th, 1996. Brent Upedgraff, David Stoppel, Peter Youngs, and myself have made more than 10 trips to the mountain. This past weeeked, keeping to traditions we assembled in a cabin for a man-only weekend.

We always have an enjoyable time, and this was no different. One of the members was able to smuggle some genuine Cuban cigars. They were wonderful and perhaps the best that many of the members had ever smoked.

A tradition during the annual meeting is a prime rib of beef. Slow roasted in the oven for hours, this roast is always delicous. Accompanied by salad with arugula, pears, and light basalmic dressing, and baked potatoes.

This year was very cold. With temperatures last night hovering around 12 degrees. We had some difficulty maintaining the temperature in the cabin above around 40 or 50 degrees-at times we could see our breath indoors. We survived and returned home safely this afternoon.
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Anonymous said...

So happy that The Secret Order of the Y Chromosome has returned safely, without freezing to death.
I am sure those cigars kept you guys fairly warm,,, the cabin looked great! I wouldn't mind spending time there however in the summer time!
Love you,

Kat Mangione said...

Hey Bro, when did it become the "Most Secret Order"? And isn't a Y chromosome just an X missing it's leg? So you might be considered the Most Secret Order of the Broken X Chromosome?

You should post some of your Previous Y Chromo Meetings... What about the one where you all were in the Ozark Highlands for a week! What a trip!